And yes, we’re back :)

Like any vacation, the trip to Tennessee was far too short. I wish we could have had more days at Dollywood (yeah, its true, the kids love the kids rides though – better than other theme parks we’ve been to), plus a few more days of vegging at the cabin. Kim spent so much time chasing after me or the kids that I don’t think she quite got the break she needed, which a few more veg days might have cured.

I didn’t really get a lick of writing done, no real time for it. It was good spending time with my folks, and I know the kids were beside themselves to have Nanna and Papa all to themselves for a few days. The hard part was in coming back so I could deal with leaving my job today and getting ready for everything that needs to be done before I start the new one Monday.

The luncheon today was awesome, if a bit overwhelming. When I left my last job, we were on rolling layoffs – no time for luncheons or niceties, we were too busy making sure we didn’t get stuck as the last ones to turn the lights off (and therefore no more paychecks). Eight years with this agency have taken their toll, to be sure, but I’ll admit I got a bit choked up at all the friendly faces at lunch today (50+!!).

OK, not sure how much more I’ll do tonight, but I intend to finish snowballing my snowflake of the Dreaming Pools this weekend if I can so that I can get kicking on writing that second draft out. (Not that the little snowflake experiment is hindering my writing, but I’m finding it insightful enough to give pause).