I hate waiting

If we’ve spent any time together, then you know two things about me. One, I’m a big, huge fan of the Princess Bride. Something about that movie will always stop me dead in my tracks and make me laugh, and its a pleasure I’ve happily shared with my own kids recently, to both our delights. Second, I hate waiting. Really, really bad at it. Birthdays and Christmas are nightmares for me – the buying presents is great, but the waiting to give them is agonizing. I. Hate. Waiting. This clip sums both up nicely:

Which is why right now I’m having such a hard time. In August, as part of my June commitment to keep trying until I hit 500 rejections, I set out to either make or break myself.

I haven’t made any progress in publishing. So why this post? Because I find myself in a curious limbo. I sent a story to a magazine in August, and they still have it. 90+ days now – and when I inquired, the response was that it’s still “under consideration”.

Under consideration! I know, you’re thinking that’s not a yes – I know it isn’t. But its closer than I’ve gotten so far, which just leaves the waiting.

And I hate waiting.

I’ll let you know when the rejection comes in, but until then, its under consideration 🙂