Quick but Fantastic post

Don’t have time to labor over a long, thought out post, so the quickest of recaps. Saturday night was more fantastic than I could have dreamed. I could say it was the food, which was great, or the Ace (apple) Pear cider, which was absolutely divine, but lets face it, it was all the company 🙂 If that’s what ten years looks like, we need to A) celebrate it more often and B) I cannot wait to see what the next anniversary brings. We even managed to stop by the church we got married in, which apparently is being replaced with a bakery (same building, different mission in life).

On the writing front, the mental blockade has been broken. Just over 2000 words written today, and I’ve gone ahead and ported everything into yWriter, which is my way of saying I’m ready to take it seriously (and track it).

w00t for the first decent Monday in a while!

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