I will never thaw again. Probably.

Ice Ledge
Ice Ledge (Photo credit: Bob.Fornal)

I know, readers in the midwestern US and Canada in particular will chuckle at this, but damn, it’s cold out there! On my drive home tonight – which, admittedly, took two and a half hours, so maybe not your typical commute – but the temperature dropped 4 degrees from the office to the house. Mind you, those 4 degrees were from 24 to 20 F, which is basically bone chilling to soul shivering. The worst part, in my opinion, is that by sunrise it will be 6 F outside. I was numb going from the office to the car tonight, so I don’t know how that’s going to work tomorrow when it’s almost 15 F colder.

Like I said, folks in the midwest, they’re laughing at me.

On the upside, despite being catatonic at the office today, I did get another 1k written. So, I have that working for me. Now if only the calories spent producing words could be funneled too keep my hands and feet warm. That would be superb.

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