Hackintoshing? (writing post, beleive it or not)

Hackintosh – n. A computer built from spare parts and loaded with the Macintosh operating system. [v. hackintoshing]

I’d argue that doing this for the sake of an app was silly – but the only reason I’m currently running XP is to use yWriter, so where’s the diff? (and no, Plants vs. Zombies doesn’t count). Looking through the info on scrivener makes me salvate. Knowing that a guy at work just hackintoshed his netbook makes me give it serious thought.

The problem, of course, is that I am a spineless wimp when it comes to computers these days. Nah, not that kind of wimp – still very much into writing code, etc., but more and more these days (probably directly propotional to the number of meetings I attend in an average work day), I find myself treating the computer as a tool I use occasionally, vs the oasis it was to me even just a few years ago.

Bah. I just needed to vent this somewhere. I also thought about dual booting a linux distro, so as you can see, I’m a bit fickle (and non-active) these days. Anything to call procrastination by a different name, I guess.

One thought on “Hackintoshing? (writing post, beleive it or not)”

  1. Turns out, no reason to pursue – the acer aspire is barely supported for hackintoshing, and what it misses I’d still need (things like networking, you know?)

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