Word counting and other hobbies

Just a check in since its been a while since I’ve blogged anything. Still slaving away at the completed draft for Aspect Ratios. Currently sitting at about 66k, expecting it to wrap at about 70k. Then I will do one more scrape down, head to toe, to make sure everything is foreshadowed, post shadowed, or lit up, as the case needs being, and then – crap. I have no “and then.” Alpha readers, surely. I will probably ask my alphas to do something evil, like sacrifice free time so I can get their feedback in in a month or so, because really, I’m already antsy about reaching out to agents.

Agents are only half of what I’m antsy about. I’m also seat bouncing because I’m ready to start something new. I took too long, let myself languish too much with this novel. Having excavated it mostly intact from my brain, I’m ready to pour new ideas in and brew something fresh.

In other news, my campaign in Mass Effect 3 is going smashingly. And yes, I am aware of the controversy over the ending of the game, and I, too, am disappointed to learn [redacted comment about free choice versus predeterminate fate]. That said, I have 4 major missions left before the end video, so needless to say I plan on finishing it.

And there we have it, the non work life, non-kid life in review 🙂