Aw nutz

Somehow, I just can’t pass up sharing this article from the local paper. I’m not sure what gets me more, the analytical way that the author manages to discuss the truck adorning genitalia, or the detail given while all the while remaining very professional about the subject. Of course, this makes me think of all of those Calvin (of Calvin and Hobbes fame…er, the cartoon variety, not the political philisophers) cartoons that have him taking a, well, stream of consciousness, that show up on the back of trucks and cars in great numbers down here. (An example, thank you ebay!) Surely if we ban one aspect, we should ban both? Which of course would lead to gun rack bans (promote violence), confederate flags, and WWJD stickers. Just don’t touch my Linux Fish (er, penguin) decal 🙂

And in other news, yes, Tom Cruise is WHACKED, and this is the video to prove it.