Humanity’s days are finally numbered

When the opportunity presents itself, Kim and I enjoy watching documentaries and movies involving cephalopods. Hey, everyone gets to have their strange fascinations, right? You’d have the same chilling feelings if you watched real videos of the Humboldt squid as it swims in packs, using color coordinatied messages to pin down and and attack its victims with eerie intelligence. Sure, the same fascination carries over when watching Megashark vs Giant Octopus, because for all that they got wrong about general biology, physics, and reality, the shark on octopus bits were realistic, if on a grand scale.

Tim (buddy at work) and I have talked about this at length and pretty much come to the same conclusion: as soon as cephalopods learn how to walk on land, we’re all doomed.

Ladies and gentleman, video proof, we are all doomed:

5 thoughts on “Humanity’s days are finally numbered”

  1. I see you’re catering to your audience. I complained the other day that there had been no Supersharks/Megaoctopus/Giantsquids/etc talks for a while on this blog, and voilà: walking cephalopods 😉

  2. See, I’m not so sure my response to an octopus stealing my camera would be to offer him a WEAPON in trade. Just saying. Don’t arm them.

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