Things I did today

I’d like to think that with Cybermonday approaching, I might actually start to get some rest. I doubt it, but its nice to have dreams. It should go without say that the last few months have been a little hectic at ThinkGeek, what with the holidays fast approaching, and troubling issues like “how many monkeys can you fit in a barrel?” and “if we attach lasers to it, can we call it the candy cane of doom? does it need a layer of bacon first?” Not to mention the crap I work on over in blinky light land. I won’t say its why I didn’t do NANOWRIMO this year, but it certainly contributed.

Which made today such a nice, fulfilling day. Checkout these amazing things I did today:

  1. Dropped off library books. I figured two renewals was enough, if we hadn’t read the books yet, we should give them back so someone else could stare at them instead!
  2. Bought socks! Yes, that’s the kind of excitement me and my 9 year old had today. We bought me some socks.
  3. Picked up some pens for a whiteboard. Scary part? Not for me. Or Kim. Katy has absconded a handheld white board and wanted some pens for it so she could do whatever it is a 9 year old budding author/scientist/cook/evil genius does with a white board.
  4. Picked up some of my pills. Yay! My drug habit can continue (which reminds me – anyone else from TG see what a certain thumbs up guy found in the new Cigna prescription book? Opium is covered!!)
  5. Wrote 3000 words today. Natch. I’m going to misquote this, so I won’t bother to misattribute it too, but it sure is fun when you’re most productive moment of the day is blowing up a bunch of starships.
  6. Learned that I might get to do some graphic novel reviews in addition to the mountain of books that’s headed my way this week.
And there was what I call a productive day. Now, pathetically, I’m off to bed so I can get some sleep before needing to do some intensive computer stuff for the good of humanity and monkeykind.