tired of bricolage

I spent a fair portion (all my free time really) working on bricolage yesterday, in part for bug 21549, but just as much to see if I could get it working.

Short answer? No. If someone wants to get it working for sunshine, power to them, but what a pain to fit into a regular ebuild model. Even after you get past the 20+ deps it adds to the tree, actually getting it running seems impossible to me right now. First there was the unadvertised dep; then the fact that you don’t just start apache, but instead have to start apache via the bricolage start script (ick). Did I mention it only runs on apache-1* and mod_perl-1*? (triple ick). Finally, after patching, padding, shoving, and shaking the damned thing – it was written with a loose adherence to strictness, so it fails to launch under perl-5.8.8 because it tries to use refs to arrays that were never properly defined. GAH.

See, this all started yesterday because my experiments with the jboss-portal didn’t go particularly well (at least not when I added the alfenso cms component), so i thought i’d try something that’s been sitting in my inbox for aeons. Why am i looking at cms’? well, at work i have this team i manage, and we have this woefully clunky documentation area that no one can be bothered to updated, and i believe in part that that’s because its near impossible to update. so if i find something easy to work with, then point them at it, it should just be presto, right?

gah. on to try out mason-cm and spine.