Pigeon Pellets

A good read over at Tobias Buckell’s blog about pigeons and writing – answering my complaint of last week, why do I keep writing and no one recognizes my true genius? (there is tongue in cheek there, to be sure, but that doesn’t take away from the pain of “failure”) Summing up Toby’s advice: worry about the things you can control, not the ones you can’t. You control how many words you write, how many submissions you make, etc. You don’t control whether an editor likes it, or an agent is any good, or the atmosphere is right for what you wrote. Seems like a good thing to keep in mind.

Meanwhile, I’m playing with mindmapping techniques as I try and work out how my stories will flow. But that’s something to talk about after the hurricane batters our earthquake rattled house this weekend (9 aftershocks since our 5.8 tremor on Tuesday). Happy Friday!

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