Nothing to be alarmed about, but…

So, there’s nothing to be alarmed about, but tomorrow I’ll be going in for the first of a two day stress test.

The very thought has me stressed, so you can understand why I’ve been a little distracted the last few weeks. I haven’t been able to focus on writing too much, partly because I find myself playing the same old song of pin the tail on the donkey (I need a structure!), and partly because quite frankly there have been more important things to take care of. Sure, I could spend an afternoon writing – or I could go out with the girls to a play, or ice cream at Coldstone (both accomplished last weekend). Don’t get me wrong, I’m not feeling fatalistic. I’ll be at a hospital attached to a whole medical school of new, fresh wannabe doctors…ok, that’s not helping, but you know what I mean. I’m not (necessarily) worried about tomorrow. At the same time, lately I’ve been choosing to seize the moment rather than writing. Write – or work in the yard with the girls? Write – or take the girls out? Write – or spend time with Kim?

Yes, I’ve gone with the obvious choice.

Well, sure, there’s a bit of the same old writer’s block in play too, the struggle to push past the organic writing spurts and find the structure that should lie beneath the story. Will I keep writing? You bet. Writing is a release, and I have some fantastic stories in me that people deserve to enjoy with me. Heck, I wouldn’t rest easy if folks didn’t get a goosebump and an adrenaline rush because of something I wrote. But I think I’m going to hit it at my own pace for now and enjoy some of those things I’ve been putting off.

You should too. There’s always time later tonight to do that other stuff.