Little short for a storm trooper

This week has been intense, all in a positive way. First, there’s the super secret big new project, but I’m afraid that for now all I can tell you is that its right up my alley, unpaid, and has nothing to do with writing. Well, not directly, but kind of sort of. Shoot, maybe I can talk about it, but I’d rather hold off for another week or two. Let’s hope the teaser doesn’t end up being disappointing in the end 🙂

In completely unrelated news, took part in Yet Another Super Secret Project this week that was pure, magical gold. Mwahahahaha!

Just to be the perfect topper, the free time I managed to spend on the book went well. I set a goal for myself to hit 35k this last week, and since I have less than 500 words to hit the goal and the day is young still, I think its safe to say I’ll hit the mark. I finally hit my pace with Sophie, something that had been worrying me, and as a result there are aspects (hah!) of the story that I’m only now realizing. Sometimes the subconscious mind can be a devious, evil genius.

And finally, there is this image of a really short storm trooper. That’s just for amusement.

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