Jim C. Hines » 2013 Writing Income

Just in case anyone else daydreams while working on their opus magnum about becoming a full time writer, Jim Hines puts it out there – how exactly has the gig paid off so far. Being a father of three without even a polished manuscript to point at, this kind of information is really helpful in tampering the daydreams and reminding me that I write to tell the story – being able to do it for a living is just a “wouldn’t it be nice” thought.

Looking at the last few years, if it was just me, I’d be giving serious thought to quitting my day job, signing up for insurance through the ACA, and writing full time. But with a family of four to support, all of whom have health issues of one form or another, I’m not ready to make that jump quite yet.

Of course, the caveat everyone should take away is:

As always, please keep in mind that I’m a sample size of one. Trying to draw any broad, sweeping conclusions from such a sample would be … illogical.

Jim C. Hines » 2013 Writing Income.