Writing update

I’m trying to keep these posts about writing down to once a week (I may even get brazen and declare a particular day for them), and somewhat short if possible. That doesn’t necessarily mean there won’t be extras (like if someone picks up one of my stories), or that I will fill the intervening gap with other posts, but still.

Work on The Dreaming Pools is trudging along, and by trudging I mean I’ve written very little in it the last week or so. I’m a bit distracted from the longer novel project while I try and wrap up a short story or three.

Three? Yeah, that’s right. While working on Captain and the Tan Eel I had another story pop in for a visit (The Six Pence Dragon), and there’s another one lurking back there that I can’t quite make out yet. Something about a pantheon. So the good news is writing progresses, just not where I expected it to be focused. But I really need to finish that new Captain story first. I’ve written all the juicy bits, its writing the connecting threads that’s taking so long. That and having a job, family, and real life. You know.