I’ve got nothing. And lots of it.

I’m in a doldrum. Not with writing – that’s going fantastically well, which is part of the reason this blog has suffered of late. But the other reason you haven’t seen many posts is that I’ve got nothing. Nothing exciting to share or reveal, nothing to amaze and wow you with (at least nothing that isn’t too personal to share here). The point of a blog is partly to entertain, right? Well, I have nothing to entertain you with.

Maybe its because I just had a birthday. No matter how rich your life is (and let me tell you, my life is overflowing with riches, all of them back at the house right now), birthdays tend to remind you of everything you thought you’d have done by now (and haven’t), and all the things you haven’t done that you should have. And as those two lists start to coalesce, you realize there isn’t much to say. Certainly not in a blog.

Bah. This friday moment of cheerless brought to you by dataNode.net, your one stop shop for downer Fridays 🙂 Do me a favor. The three to five minutes you would have been spent muddling through a post on this blog? Go outside. Get some air. Buy some Girl Scout cookies (especially from the troop outside of the Borders in Fredericksburg, tonight, 5-7pm).