Did You Know ‘The Blob’ is Based on a True Story? | News Article | FEARnet

I came across this article yesterday and couldn’t help wanting to share it.

It might be more accurate to say that The Blob is based on a true police report. Whether or not the event actually happened has never been confirmed. In 1950 in Pennsylvania, two veteran police officers saw something fall from the sky. They described it as a “large, glittering mass drifting to earth,” and when they found the landing spot in a field, they discovered a “quivering purple mound of jelly” that glittered in the light of their flashlights. It seemed to pulsate on its own, and when the cops turned off their flashlights, the mass seemed to glow on its own. For fear that no one would believe them, the cops radioed for backup. Two more police officers showed up, and one decided to try to lift it. It instantly broke apart, with tiny globules sticking to his hands. The purple goo quickly evaporated, leaving nothing behind but an “odorless residue” on the one cop’s hand. The glob had evaporated completely before anyone else could arrive to see it, but a police report was filed and the newspapers ate the story up.

via Did You Know ‘The Blob’ is Based on a True Story? | News Article | FEARnet.

I know it’s been a while since I shared an article (I wish that was a testament to my not losing time wasted browsing the web, but that’s not the case either), but this one struck a cord. Actually reading the description makes it sound less like something fantastic and more like some unrecognized biological event, but still fascinating that there was a basis in “reality” for the blob.

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