Day 5

Ah, another long day draws to an end. More time was spent at work today than was anticipated (curse you 32 vs 64 bit!), with the usual side effects on personal time (to include but not limited to nanowrimo time). Currently running strong at 16,857 words in the story with no name, with hopes of break through the 20k barrier this weekend.

Twice tonight I was asked what the story was about. When Willie asked me, I fumbled, unable to put into words what I had barely had time to conceptualize fully (let’s face it – I tend to write by instinct, not structure, with both the organic benefits and short comings that that carries with it). But when Jacob asked me – and the fool was sitting in my office while I was burning an iso to DVD – I took a stab at it.

Explaining it out loud, giving the details verbally, helped me see just how complex parts of the story really are (not at all the simple affair I had begun to demean them as). So to Willie and Jacob – thank you!

OK, off to bed for me. Tired, tired, tired.