The Reading Quagmire: Should a reviewer finish a book to review it?

The debate for this morning’s random posting: does a reviewer have a responsibility to finish a book to rate it?

Hear me out: I don’t get tons of books to review in the first place, and most of the ones I do get are from the same publisher. So already I find myself in a slightly tight spot because it seems like I’m failing at my “job” (as a volunteer reviewer) if I don’t review at least some of the books, slim as the pickings can be at times. But what do you do when on top of all of that, you just can’t give the book a fair shake? Not for the good reasons – not because it’s written like a drugged out six-year-old tried writing her first book, or because the story has the unshakable feeling of being plotted by taking a random episode of <INSERT FORMULAIC TV SHOW HERE>, changing the names and setting, and somehow getting it into print because it was better than the alternative submissions.

No, I’m talking about those books that as you read them, you can recognize them for what they are: well written, perhaps a bit niche, but certainly deserving of your time, if you could just figure out how to get into the mood for this sort of story.

And that’s what a lot of reading comes down to for me. Mood. Some days I’m in the mood for the Young Apprentice on a Quest To Save the Kingdom. Others, I want more AI and lasers. You can usually tell if something has grabbed me in the right mood, because I will read it with a maniacal obsession, usually in a week (which for a busy, full-time employed, actively engaged Dad of three, says something, I think. Mostly it says things about my reading habits and the lack of scruples I have on what is an appropriate place or time to read.)

But when they aren’t working for me, or I’m not in the mood, it drags. And drags. And then it stalls. And the worst part to my guilt ridden soul (Yes, Virginia, I think I still have one)(maybe) is that I’ve pretty much rated and reviewed the book already in my head. Very rarely does a review differ at the end then it did when I was at the halfway point.

I know you folks read books. How much weight do you give a review of the book, and how much do you expect of it? Some of you (I know) do reviews as well – do you ever find yourself in this position?


* And no, none of the reviews you’ll see coming from me in the next few weeks inspired this post. I think.

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