weekend time may not equal gentoo time this week

Hopefully, by tomorrow evening I should have all the parts for my new shiny box (ups doesn’t give me much confidence, but past experience with newegg does), which means I will be mostly offline while I tinker with getting it built and working. I’m really excited, not only to have a desktop again for the first time in a year or two, but because I’ll be getting a desktop with dual screens (something I learned I couldn’t live without at work – case in point, most of the g-cpan code got written thanks to dual screen making it easier for me to manage myself).

That said – I ran a pseudo-smoke yesterday on my sun box of the 220 packages that are eligible for sparc keywording (that’s “sparc”, not “~sparc”) that fall under me, so as soon as I have a chance I plan on going through the result sets (/me so smart – I emailed myself the stdout/err of each build individually so I could see if any problems occurred (or were ignored)) and begin a rampage of sparc keywording.