clean up -and mythtv :)

spent most of the active part of my day cleaning up dev-perl, updating packages, finally removing perl-core/ExtUtils-MakeMaker from the flotsam. (yay). I’d still like to take a whack at a few of the outstanding bugs on g-cpan, but instead I let myself get sidetracked this evening – and discovered I had two sound cards, the one I’ve been playing with and a completely muted one for the tvcard. Dohl. Yeah. Turned up the capture volume from 0, ran transcode, and presto. Freevo still flaked on me, and gv4l wasn’t happy either (but I could do it manually, so I knew I was almost there) – but mythtv worked without a charm (plus that nice little tvguide app, even if the channels are off by 1 digit). Ten minutes later and mcummings is going to be sampling those shows that are on too late usually 🙂 (ironically, I’ve put all this effort into it because it was there, not because I’m a big TV watcher or my tv time was in jeapordy or anything).

OK, more work to do, but maybe tomorrow? Need to relax before Monty Python comes on, maybe read some Stephenson while the kids beat on me some more.