Running light this week

I know, I was off to a great start last week, then failed to post anything Sunday, yesterday, and almost today.

Sunday was legit – we had ourselves a nice quiet day at home, (Aunt) Sherry came over, we even had an early dinner. I even have photographic proof of said event (see left).

To tell the truth, though, its going to be slim blogging for the rest of the week. Work is a continuous slew of 9:00 meetings (yeah, in the MORNING! Can you believe it? What is this world coming to…), tomorrow’s the first day of school, and Sunday we’re celebrating our youngest star’s 5th birthday. Holy crap, Batman – five?

I’ll see what I can do to rustle up something interesting on the internet – I hear its full of that kind of stuff. In the meantime, here’s a soon to be five year old showing off for you (shame you can’t see the purple platform shoes she donned for this).