A Glutton for Gluten [healthfoo]

trio of bread

You would think with all of the allergies that our youngest has to endure, this would be easy – but its not. Probably because this time it isn’t a spawn, but myself. We haven’t succumbed to a doctor’s visit yet – too busy replacing microwaves, shattered iphone screens, and other first world conveniences. But we have done something nice and age old – we’ve experimented.

Not to bore you with the horrid details, but I’ve been dealing on and off with some painful swelling the last…well, for a while now. My cardiologists have seen it as a need to increase my pills, but that hasn’t really been helping much.

And then we noticed something.

I cut out grains for a while because my personal trainer asked me to, and the swelling went away. A-wah? And then we had a week and half of birthday bonanzas and the swelling returned, and the clues lined up.

I’ve been mostly (I’m human, and this isn’t officially diagnosed) gluten free for about a month now, and although it hasn’t been perfect (I can think of an instance in the last week), for the most part the swelling has gone away. Which is horrible, because I really miss real bread. Mmmmm. Bread.

And now, back to reading and thinking about that nanowrimo thing that’s coming up. A book review is queued up for tomorrow, space opera fans 😉

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