Highlights (because I’m lazy)

After a burst of blog posts two weeks ago, I fell silent again. Sorry about that, folks. Rather than do a series of three and four line blog posts, I though it might be quicker to do some quick recaps 🙂


I had another cardiologist visit today – and so, more pills now line my daily routine. The good news is I’m doing well (better than I thought), and the additional pills are to help keep me that way. In a few weeks I get to look forward to my first stress test – I’m so excited, can’t you tell? – during which we’ll see just how good the old ticker is doing.

Since diet and activity are such big factors in getting better, my wife (who is awesome) has given me the strength (by putting me in a half Nelson and dragging me) to rejoin the gym. I’m only going a few mornings a week right now, but anything is better than not going at all. Kim and I have also embarked on our umpteenth attempt at a diet (South Beach again), hoping that this time we have the motivation to beat our past results. I should also point out that its only day one of actually doing the diet, and I’m hungry and craving things I don’t even normally eat right now. So yeah, that’s right on track.

I also want to take a quick second to explain what happened in January again, because I think there’s some misunderstanding. I didn’t have a heart attack. No surgeon operated on me. I had a congestive heart failure, which boils down to I had an extreme asthma attack, coupled with a build up of fluids in my body that was actually too much for my heart to pump away. A little oversimplified, but that’s the gist of it. Health-wise, our goals right now are to avoid that situation from coming up again.


You didn’t think a blog update would go without something about writing, did you? I’m happy to say that the novel is coming along nicely. Mostly. OK, so I find myself yearning for an outline as my organic writing steam begins to wind down at the 40k mark (I know, I haven’t updated the side bar in a while, but there’s also been a lot of cuts and rewrites that would only confuse things).  I don’t know why I find myself in this predicament each time. You’d think I’d have learned by now, right? But, here I am again, debating an outline and blogging instead of actually writing. Go figure.

As a fun distraction, this weekend I wrote my first zombie story. Its not quite done, but I think it needs to rest for a while. I like what I wrote, but there’s still something missing from it and I haven’t been able to grok what it is yet.

Other News

OK, so two weeks ago now, I promised some more news about some secret projects. One of them you’ve already seen – the girls were in the Star Wars popsicle commercial for one of ThinkGeek’s April Fool’s Day products. The other news (and I’m still waiting on the ARC’s, which will make this official) is that I’m going to be doing book reviews for a section over at the YA Fantasy Guide (epic fantasy section in particular). I’m actually pretty excited about this gig, as it gives me a purpose and excuse for doing some reading.

And my allergies are kicking up a storm again, which is probably a good sign I should call it a night with this blog post.  Later all!