Screenshots [stamp app]

As promised (and finally done), screenshots of the cheesy app I wrote a few weekends back in php.

search screen
search screen – “advanced”
search results
search results with fold out – this makes more sense when there are dups of the stamp, mostly because you can select specific stamps to edit as a batch, etc.
view stamp info
duplicate a stamp
add a stamp
edit a stamp
visual search – because sometimes you recognize a stamp as being cataloged, and you have a gut instinct for the time frame or scott number, but don’t want to haul out a scott catalog to pour over pages when its so much easier to glance at a screen of images and pick it out of the lineup. Of course, that requires it not to be one of those washington stamps, where the same plate image was used a dozen different ways with a variety of watermarkings (or not) and perforations.
reports screen – here’s where I’ve got canned reports setup to report on dups, stamps without images, stamps that have been cataloged and filed but not mounted in an album yet, etc.

Not shown is that the drop downs for countries is created from the countries cataloged so far, and that the search blocks attempt to autofill as you type, but I get ahead of myself. Still things I want to add to it – like some way of calculating a rough value, cleaning up the pages (php-side), etc.