Nanowrimo checking, day 10 – the interruptions begin

These updates are getting less and less frequent, with less to show for it. On the one hand, I’m still on target – I’m at 16,891 words, which on a projected minumum of 1,666 words a day is still ahead of the 16,660 I should be at, so yay. The confession is I didn’t write nearly as much as I’d intended today, at least not on my nanowrimo project. I had a bit of brain spasm between errands and ended up writing up the first 900 or so words for a short story instead. Sadly, its something I’d like to finish writing, which means less time spent on the novel until then. Hopefully I’ll be able to wrap it up tomorrow and get back on track by Monday with only a day or so’s words to make up for.

It also comes to my attention (because wordpress shows me these things) that I’m narrowing in my 1000th published blog post. Not sure if I should try and do something special, or just make note of it and move on. A giveaway is always possible 😉