Revising (novel progress, day 3 million)

Coffee Shop Study

I’m working on the revisions of Aspect Ratios right now, incorporating my notes into my draft so I can begin work on filling in the gaps and cleaning up the foreshadowing, etc.. Some interesting things have come out of this exercise that I can’t resist sharing:

  • I’m far more prolific than I realize. Writing a thousand words or so at a time, you don’t get a real sense of the volume you’ve written until you appraise it as a whole. A little overwhelming to realize you’ve written tens or hundreds of thousands of words, all about the same subject in a near cohesive structure.
  • My brain works a certain, predictable way. More than a few times, I’d go and mark a line out, adding what I thought was far more brilliant text – only to see I used the exact same words a few lines later (in which case I just needed to do some tightening). It happens enough times and you begin to question your grasp on the medium.
  • Apparently, I am obsessed with teeth. Almost all of my bad guys, and quite a few of my just-kinda-scary characters, are introduced by their smile and the shape of the teeth therein. Needle like, or just sharp? Straight rows? Perhaps just toothy?
The revising is going well, though it just underscores how much work is left to do. That’s what weekends are for, right? And nights. And early mornings. And lunch breaks. And those few minutes between sleep and work.
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