Tomorrow is it. Finally. So get your fool on.

Tomorrow is April Fool’s. Finally. After months of work, followed by a ton of last second crisis (because that’s the way things happen), tomorrow we face the flood of online visitor’s at ThinkGeek that is April Fool’s.  I’m excited to see all of my work finally get put to the test – traffic en masse – but more importantly, I’m excited to see an end to the death march.

Time will only tell what that means for me and this blog. It will be nice not to be as consumed as I have been lately. Do you know in the last week alone I’ve had a kid get sick, lose a tooth, go the dentist for emergency work (because of said lost tooth), gone through a battery of allergy tests, been to an emergency room on Easter morning – and that was all the same child. What else have I missed in the last month?!?

So yes, I am looking forward to a little bit of peace and quiet. Perhaps even this writing thing I’ve heard is all the fad these days. Maybe even – dare I say – some time off?

But now its your part in this game: go to ThinkGeek tomorrow and ooh and ahh over all of the real and fake products we’ve put up. Just go easy on me if the site is slow, my fingers are flying as fast as they can.

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