SNOW (or, How I learned to like the beard and other notes)

Those of you in climes that are more used to a winter where the temperatures are low and the snow high may find this funny, but here in Virginia we usually don’t have much snow. Heck, a half inch or so can send half the state into a panic, clear the shelves of the essentials – bread, milk, fritos and beer – and pretty much guarantee a day off.

Today, we are in the midst of our third unusual storm – we currently have a good six or more inches out there, and its supposed to keep coming down until tomorrow morning with a final estimate of near a foot. I, the idiot that I am, went out to get gas and some groceries, which quickly turned into some gas and whatever I could get at a WaWa. Its kind of reminiscent of a Stephen King novel out there – maybe The Stand, or once I got back home, The Shining.

So why the beard loving? Because after being outside for twenty minutes, my face wasn’t that cold. Not even when I got in the car, looked in the mirror, and saw that I had icicles attached to my beard – damned thing had insulated my face. Mind you, I still want to shave it, and I can only do that if I publish or finish writing a novel (its a pride thing, and you know us guys and our pride).

Today, I have a few ideas for monopolizing the snow-in. Tonight’s spoken for – today is the sixteenth anniversary of Kim and I’s first date, and I think we are going to celebrate it in true memory – our first date was to see Demolition Man at the campus theater, and tonight I think we’re going to watch Post Impact (don’t be hating – its a sick, sick, guilty pleasure of mine, and I love it more than even Ice Spiders). The rest of the day I plan on doing a little writing, a little x-boxing, and a bit of reading – I’m about a fifth way through Consider Phlebas, and through the snow and ice Stealing Light was delivered today. Consider Phlebas, it turns out, is just as good as all the hype said Iain M. Banks was, and Stealing Light promises to be of the same vein of kick in the pants sci-fi.

Hope you all are having as nice a day!