[wip] Today’s update, brought to you by the letter T

Well, yesterday could have been a better day. Last Friday night I was woken up in middle of the night by a gut wrenching scream.

My own.

My left leg was locked up in pain, and it took nearly fourty minutes to get the charlie horse to abate enough to be able to sit down. The following week saw the pain diminish, but it still hurt pretty badly. So yesterday I used some sick leave and went to the Doctor. There were a few panicky hours spent waiting to get an ultrasound done – the doctor feared a clot. No clot, but I was ordered off my leg for a day or two to let it recover, given some motrin and vicodin (hello House!), and sent home.

Which kind of killed some plans to take the kids to Kings Dominion today. They still went with Mom (it was Grandpa’s birthday today), so I stayed home with motrin and Tara, the soon to be 3 year old. Let me tell you, that kid is great at playing with her toys quietly for hours on end.

As a result, I am happy to say that I got about 4-8 thousand words done today (counter on the actual front page at http://www.datanode.net will reflect this soon), as well as some good time spent with the outline and fleshing out the characters of The Dreaming Pools. And to boot – they brought home funnel cake 🙂

So today’s writing update is brought to you by the letter T, for Tara.