Running out of material…

Well, material to procrastinate with, at least. Not really sure why I’m procrastinating, or what’s set me down this path in the first place. So far I’ve done some yard work; cleaned the infernal living room, aka the Den of the Devil’s Children (their our children in the sweet moments, no worries); worked on stamps; fiddled with the murmuring toilet of Doom (everything must have a horror film cliché title in this house – if you had to live here, you’d understand). I’ve even gotten sick twice in the last three weeks – not on purpose, to be sure, but between a stomach bug one week, and a chest/throat bug this week, they still count for something.

I have nothing left. No more reserves of materials from which to draw procrastination. So unless I can figure out what is fueling this desire to slack, I’m afraid I must shut down my email clients, chat client, heck, wifi connections, and console myself with the only thing left.

A 2/3 written novel and a short story in desperate need of its first redraft. Yeah. I need to buckle under and give those some attention.


Maybe my keyboard needs to dismantling and thoroughly dusted first…?