
Not sure what’s up with me today…just feel completely drained. Probably a side effect of the long (subjectively) weekend.

Saturday was fun if a little enlightening. Katy had another birthday party to go to. I know this is a side effect of the school she’s going to preschool in, but I wasn’t prepared for the size and “opulence” (not quite the word I want, but close enough) of her classmate’s family. The important thing, though, is she had a blast, even if she spent most of it with Nicholas, who apparently is quite the ladies man in this prekindergarten class. But boy did I feel out of my league.

Yesterday we spent far too many hours at Home Depot, which has to be just about one of the worst places to order anything for your house. I think if we hadn’t already committed to them doing our doors, I’d have gladly just walked out of there without spending a cent. But instead, we finalized the couple of g’s it’s going to take to replace our front and side door, as well as storm doors. Between that and the work the plumber is going to be finishing up later this week, I think we’re about half way through the home repairs we wanted to do before trying to sell the place.

Which means we’ll be in this place for at least another year, since the remaining “half” of what needs to be done is the remodeling of the kitchen and bathroom. I just have to keep reminding myself every little thing we get done helps us get closer to our goal.

[ Just to explain, when we bought our decrepit classic home, my wife and I were expecting our first child. The house was a nice starter home, comfortable, close to a school, yada yada yada. Fast forward five years, we have 3 kids, and absolutely no space in the house for either ourselves or the baggage that 5 humans and a dog entails. It’s just not enough room, but before we can sell the place, we need to fix the things that the previous owner’s let slide/fall/crumble. Or worse. Tried to do themselves. ]

Which leads me up to today. Tired. Drained. Unmotivated.