A New Chapter Begins

I realize it’s been quiet around here lately. In my defense, I was in San Francisco for the last week, getting settled into my new job at Imgur. It’s always a relief when starting a new job (this being my third in the last 13 year or so) to discover that all of the things you thought you knew, you really do know.

English: Cable cars lined up on Powell Street ...

I’m sure that sounds as silly to read as it feels to admit, but there really was a point where my self doubts were at a height. I know my skillset, and it’s what I was hired to do, but did I really know it, or had I just been faking it with style all along?

Turns out, I really do know it. I know, everyone else is as relieved to see that as I am to admit it.

Usually in a catch-up post, this is where I begin with the other updates – but there aren’t any, really. I just spent a week slogging it on foot between my office and my hotel, punctuated by sleep in between. I’m by no means complaining, but there really wasn’t much time to sightsee while walking down Powell to Market Street, and illusions of spending evenings writing were usually dashed by exhaustion and the strange effects having your internal clock being off by three hours. I did learn that if I am ever going to make this a permanent move, I need to start back at the gym a.s.a.p., because my little mile treks every day were killer.

OK, off to get going on celebrating Father’s Day with my girls, who I missed this week far more than I can ever express in a blog post. Have a great Sunday everyone, posts should be gearing up again this week 🙂