The desolation of a Smaugerday

Set yourself up to blog daily, then fail to blog for multiple days in a row, that’s me!

Hobbit House from Lord of the Rings by Michael...
Hobbit House from Lord of the Rings by Michael Matti (Photo credit: Michael Matti)

As you probably surmised from my witty title, the two older girls and I will be heading out to see the latest Peter Jackson installment of Middle Earth this afternoon. I know that critics and reviewers have not been kind to this movie, but I take my lesson from our Middle Daughter, she who shall be 10 years old(!) tomorrow. MD has read the Hobbit – in fact, it was one of the stipulations before I’d agree too take her to the movie last year, crafty Dad that I am. The first movie did not escape her critical eye, noting with disdain every change, addition, or alteration from the source material. Something about some ponies and some ogres in particular made her lament.

But she still loved the movie, and even going in knowing that this movie will be  less tied to the book (I mean, come on, how else do you get three long movies out of one short book?), she’s excited. She is, in fact, the only reason we are going to a theater to see this instead of just waiting for it to come to video. There is something still magical about the the thought of going to see a movie on the big screen, eating junk food, and being pushed back in your seat by the explosion of light and sorcery on the screen ahead of you. My almost 10 year old gets it – sometimes you go to a movie despite knowing it can’t live up to expectations, just for the thrill of being distracted for a few hours.


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