
[This post was originally scheduled to publish on Friday, and yet somehow didn’t make it. Second try, just like the first!]

My desk is a mess. They say a cluttered desk is a cluttered mind (who knew this was a misappropriate of an Einstein quote?), and I think I might be living proof of that right now.

English: Photograph of Albert Einstein in his ...
English: Photograph of Albert Einstein in his office at the University of Berlin, published in the USA in 1920. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

At the office, I’ve temporarily solved this by just not having a desk. Sure, I’ll have a desk this coming Monday, but for the last few weeks I’ve been working the life of a vagabond, couch surfing and borrowing desks while people were out to of the office. Nothing exciting, just a little desk swapping action while a new person on my team gets acclimated, but when I return home it’s somewhat of a shock to the system to go from spending a 12 hour day working out of my bag, to having a large but completely trash covered desk.

The impact of this is easy to see, too. I’m not feeling as productive when I work at my desk, and I find myself feeling cramped. This time around, I can’t even blame it on the kids leaving a stack of art work and projects on my desk – this is all me, my own clutter.

Of course, the quick and dirty solution to my desk is almost at hand. The wife and I, with the new school year coming up and family coming to visit us during the holidays this year, are re-evaluating how we’ve got the downstairs setup. In the coming weeks, I expect I’ll be moving my desk back downstairs, converting the front room back into a family room instead of my little den.

This feeling of being cluttered extends well past the physical, though. My computer feels cluttered. The blog feels cluttered (note: I changed the theme today just to try to relieve that sensation a little bit). I’m not going to begin preaching a back to basics dogma, but I do feel like I need a general purge of my digital and physical lives, a hard reset.

Anyone that’s known me or more than 10 or so minutes knows that this is a recurring theme (I clutter easily, its one of my superpowers). Let’s see how this goes!

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